Forester's Journey
Hey, I am Desmond
The author of "Forester's Journey" is a forest ecologist living in Taipei, Taiwan. Originating from Malaysia, he dreamed of becoming both a forester and researcher, hoping to discover, unravel and promote the forest's mysteries with society.
His blog aims to make forest-related topics more accessible and easier to understand to the public at the same time inspire future forester of the next generation. At the same time sharing the latest discoveries in forest science, his own experiences in self-development and navigation in this career path, and his living lifestyle as a forester in Taiwan.
University of Cambridge,
Department of Geography
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Supervisor: Prof. Emily Lines
Laboratory: Lines Research Group
National Taiwan University (NTU),
School of Forestry and Resource Conservation
Master of Science (MSc), Forest Environment
Supervisor: Prof. Taro Nakai
Laboratory: Forest Micrometeorology
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Forest Biology
Supervisor: Prof. Tzung-Su Ding
Laboratory: Forest Biodiversity
Professional Experiences
WSP International LLC, Taiwan Branch
Ecological Engineer
Ecological inspection of on-going hydraulic construction sites.
Development ecological sensitive sites & maps for engineering projects
Provide countermeasure actions for ecological conservations.
Carry out conservation execution spot-checks to on-going hydraulic construction sites.
Brainstorming & concept generation towards Nature-based Solution (NbS), Ecosystem Servuces (ES) and Natural Capital related business models.
Provide contermeasure action suggestions for Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA) projects on terrestrial ecosystem.
Risk identification of damaged trees
Plan and coordinate tree pruning operations
Providing tree risk assessment reports and potential treatments for improving tree health.
National Taiwan University (NTU),
School of Forestry and Resource Conservation
Teaching Assistant (TA)
Introduction to Biodiversity
Introduction to Forest Biodiversity
Forest Ecology
Forest Microclimate
Forest Field Practice
International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA)
Liaison Officer, RECOFTC & The Forest Dialogue (TFD)
Plan & coordinate international events among IFSA & RECOFTC
World Cafe, International Day of Forest, Bangkok, Thailand.​
People and Forest Forum, Bangkok, Thailand.
The drafting & establishing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between two organizations
Establishment of the first Local Committee (LC) in Kasetsat University, Thailand.
Event Coordinator, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO)
Coordination & supervision of the Asia Pacific Forestry Week 2019, Korea.
Student representative
Asia Pacific Forest Conference 14th Meeting of the executive committee, Bangkok, Thailand.​
Regional Youth Consultation Workshop on the Outlook Towards the Future of Forests and Forestry, Bangkok, Thailand.
Research Experiences
Teh, D.C.C., Levia, D.F. & Nakai, T. "Spatiotemporal variation of bark pH on the bole of a mature Cryptomeria japonica D. Don (Japanese cedar) tree". Trees (2024).
DCC Teh. "Crown Architecture, Rainfall Redistribution, and Bark pH Distribution in a Cryptomeria japonica stand in Xitou, Taiwan: a field study using tree climbing techniques.",
DCC Teh. "Bryophyte Diversity and Biomass along Tsuga Forest Vertical Gradients in Tataka Area, Taiwan."
Wilderness Medical Associates International
Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA)
Taiwan Wilderness Medical Association (TWMA)
Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA)